Aims and Scope

Aims of the MEIN:
The aim of Journal of Mechanical, Electrical and Industrial Technology (MEIN) is to publish theoretical and empirical articles that are aimed to contrast and extend existing theories, and build new theories that contribute to advance our understanding of phenomena related with 3 (three) different fields. The contributions could employ methodological approaches that are explanatory (mostly qualitative) or confirmatory (quantitative). Theoretical essays that enhance the building or extension of theoretical approaches are also welcome. MEIN selects the articles to be published with a bind, peer review system, following the practices of good scholarly journals. MEIN is published quarterly (on-line and printed versions), following an open access policy. Online publishing enables more agile editing and review processes while also lowering publishing expenses. MEIN defends that open access publishing fosters the advance of scientific knowledge, making it available to everyone. The journal is dedicated to various issues focusing on 3 different fields which are:

Mechanical Electrical Industrial Technology
• Fluid Mechanics • Electrical and Electronic Engineering • Industrial Technology
• Experimental and Computational Mechanics • Electronic • Process Optimization
• Dynamics, Vibration, and sound • Electrical • Product Development and Innovation
• Structural modelling and design • Telecommunication • Auotomation and Control Systems
• Engineering Materials and Technology • Instrumentation & Control • Safety and Compliance
• Manufacturing engineering • Artifical Intelligence • Resource Management
• Thermal and power engineering • Signal Processing • Technology Integration and Digitalization
• Fuels and energy • Marine Informatics • Manufacturing Process
• Thermal and power engineering • Marine Technology • Supply Chain Management
• Applied mechanics • More detail (hyperlink) • Quality Assurance and Control
• Advanced materials   • Facilities Management
• Tribology   • Sustainability and Green Technologies
• Sustainable Energies   • Workforce Development
• Fatique and Fracture Mechanics   • Applied Research and Innovation Industrial Technology
• Corrosion and erosion Engineering   • Technological Advancements Industrial Technology
• Material processing Techniques   • Interdisciplinary Collaboration
• FEM/CAE/FEA   • Industry-Relevant Solutions
• Aerospace and aviation   • Education and Training Industrial Technology
• Marine Engineering   • More detail (hyperlink)
• More detail (hyperlink)